Monday, May 09, 2005

Long cooked broccoli tartines

One of my favorite cookbooks is The Sandwich book by Nancy Silverton. Wow, the recipes and the photos are amazing. When I came across her book, I got so excited that I made two of her recipes, back to back. Her recipes for tian and a baked ricotta sandwich were really over the top delicious. Her recipe for long cooked broccoli was deliciously well-written and I have been waiting to try this for quite a while. Broccoli, is one of the most under-used vegetables for us. Lets face it, its woefully under or over-cooked in salad bars and pasta. Only stir-fries seem to do justice to this good-for-you veggie. Ms. Silverton's recipe may not be the best way to cook it. But it is probably the tastiest, what with so much EVOO and garlic.

Here is the recipe, if you are interested.

The only problem with her recipes is she takes the texture variation thing too seriously, making assembling a tiring chore by itself. When you have this delicious, oily broccoli, why would you want to go overboard with scrambled eggs? Her toppings are good enough to eat on their own. That's the problem when you make them for parties. If you are able to serve her open-faced sammies for parties, then you are self-less and self-disciplined enough not to eat the toppings by yourself. Kudos to you!

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