Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Mango memories of Montreal

We enjoyed a mango that was cut up in a similar way on one of the street markets in Montreal. I loved Montreal although our not knowing French was a disadvantage in every way. I do not remember the street name but it had foods of all ethnicities. A Latin American vendor cut up mangoes like this, sprinkling it with lemon, paprika and salt, and offering it to customers like an oversized flower. Since we went there two summers ago, whenever I buy mangoes, I try this at least once (not successfully every time). Try this paprika-lemon juice- salt treatment on cut up ripe mangoes. It is heavenly!


  1. Mango flower like a yellow rose, how beautiful.
    I sprinkle paprika etc.. on pineapple and on not so ripe mango, but never on ripe mango. It must be spicy yummy.

  2. yummy, am gonne try this too.

  3. We nice picture. I'm reminded of the mango, with salt and chilli in marina beach chennai. Oh those are great too..

  4. Damn, wish I'd seen this recipe before I ate the mango I'd bought yesterday! Guess I'll hafta buy another just to try this.

    AF, I too remember the sour green mangoes rubbed with chilli and salt... they were an integral part of any beach outing in Chennai! Mmm... memories!

  5. Yup, those green mango wedges are great. Even the thengai mangai pattani sundal!

  6. Good to see so many chennaites around!

  7. i too love beach sundal and dont even talk about the mulaga bajji *drooling*
